A partial archive of https://score.community/ as of Monday March 04, 2024.

Action plan ”Getting Internal Buy In


Values: Timelimit, Borders, Influence, Iterations, knowledge/competence
CoCreate: Quartely meetings - remember both management level aswell as ”people on the floor” , Physical meetings, Break down to challenges and needs, City To City learnings, Illustrate the FREE, Co-finace, More FInance, Other REsources, Ready made projects, List of Buy IN Projects.
Problems: Communicate Clearly, Commitments, Hand shakes.
Give a process: a 12 step program on How to do projects, costs, time/Plan, Offers. Some cities have a Team that is already payed for. Be clear in What cvan be expected and used.
Sollutions and Challenges; Education, You Learn You Teach Repeat.
A smörgåsbord of ideas!!!
Strategies will devide and change lanes, What needs to be standard in. That?

Give ”that city a call” WE have the network!!!


@Mikkel Should we schedule some Denmark-Sweden exchange meetings? Get our smörgåsbord ready for the next meeting.