Citizen Science is one form of Technology-mediated social projects(TMSP) - citizens’ participation in science projects in collaboration with professional scientists. Citizen contributes to the objectives set forward by the scientists through the analysis and gathering of a large dataset without any prior training or technical background. Citizens science differs from crowdsourcing where Citizens have some stake in having the solution in place (for example, flooding citizen science app helps them to report issues that can contribute to their properties saved from flooding). For SCORE, we intend to use Citizens as a sensor reporting on the different phenomena that we would like to observe. Citizens’ input can be considered complementary to the Physical sensors on the ground.
In the first instance, we are developing a Citizen science app for the Flooding use case. See prototypes below:
Citizens’ app (called PhenoTracker):
Admins’ app (what admins will see):
We are using findings from the EU project WeSenseIT as starting point.
We would like help from the partners in terms of : co-developing, use case provider, access to the citizen groups. etc.
We also intend to create a generalized version of this app as a service that can be utilized for other use cases.