A partial archive of https://score.community/ as of Monday March 04, 2024.

Defining a Vision for the partnership


Dear All, But especially @SBK_Hamburg @brynskov @HansF @malinstoldt @klantto and the others who were at the table in Ghent,

I’ve created a proposal ‘Vision’ document on the score.partners GitHub repository in a Pull Request, along with some definitions of terms for in the glossary:

You can see the text I’ve written in the ‘Files Changed’ tab.

This document

The goal of this document is to set out the vision and mission of SCORE so that it is understandable for those inside and outside of the project, a practical explainer of what SCORE is and what the strategic objectives are.

I feel this document should answer the question of what SCORE is and what is not. Some questions are unanswered and some we’ve already answered at the Kick-off and at the Partnership Meeting in Ghent. For instance, we’ve decided that every solution in SCORE should be Open Source.

This document is meant to be the authoritative ‘source of truth’ for discussions about what SCORE is about.


You’ll need a GitHub account to leave comments on the Pull Request. If you don’t know how to leave a review on a GitHub Pull Request you can follow the great interactive course Reviewing pull requests on GitHub Lab.

This is the follow-up to the ‘Vision’ breakout session we had at the Partnership Meeting in Ghent.

Please let me know if this is what you’ve expected, what is missing and every other thing that comes to your mind.



PS: Of course this being on GitHub might be a bit of a stretch but I’m eager to try it for ‘canonical information’. Let me know, if and why we shouldn’t, here.


Do we need to keep this discussion open for longer, or should we move forward by making it ‘the law of the land’ and keep tweaking it as we go?


Hi Boris,
I’ve missed this conversation, unfortunately the notification mail disappeared among all the others from the Community. As you say, it is a stretch to view the documentation on GitHub. I don’t have an account there (it’s problably very easy to fix but everyting that takes extra time risks not to be done…).

Would it be possible to see the documentation in a pdf-file for example here on the Community?

Regards, Malin


Hi @Boris ,

sorry, I had the same problem as Malin, just noticed some days ago about this discussion.
I hope I will have proper access to GitHub next week (browser issues).
And I would also suggest to have a kind of documentation on the community, at least for a while.



Here is the high-level vision as I propose it (cc @timvanachte, @brynskov, @JoranVD, @evdoxia.kouraki, @h.niesing) I would love feedback on this:


The goal of this document is to set out the vision SCORE so that it is understandable for those inside and outside of the project. This document should answer the question whether something is within the scope of SCORE or not.

SCORE is a partnership of governments, universities and other organisations that collaboratively discover, develop and test Open solutions for the challenges of cities. The SCORE partners leverage Open Collaboration methodologies – Open Source, Open Data, Open Standards and an open attitude – to learn together, communicate effectively, share challenges and collaborate on solutions with the goal of improving public service delivery in our cities.

By working in an Open Collaboration we create a partnership of cities that are used to sharing and identifying common challenges as well as re-using each others solutions, improving them collaboratively and sharing their own. We learn how to solve our own challenges whilst both learning from and teaching to the others. We solve the challenges of our cities together.

We build Open Source solutions that are made to be re-used by others. These solutions are build using Open Standards and with Open Data in mind. Together we’ve developed and maintain guidelines for the quality of code that guarantee others can use and re-use our solutions.

We communicate in the open so that everyone can see it, follow what is being said and join every conversation. By doing this we maximise the opportunities for everyone inside — and outside of — the partnership to contribute to the conversations, challenges we are exporing and solutions we’re developing.

Through these means the SCORE partners – and all cities that join us – can achieve more together than any of us could by ourselves. We reduce the risks we have to take as individual organisations, we become more economically sustainable, we become more ethical in our digital sourcing and are able to deliver better public services.


Overall the vision statement seems to summarize in a good way the scope of SCORE :slight_smile:
I just want to pinpoint that Gothenburg city’s focus within SCORE would be: sharing own Open Source solutions, lessons learned, sharing & identifying common challenges, learning from other cities’ experience & solutions BUT NOT co-development of new solutions.


To continue this conversation, I would like to ask all the partners to complete a short questionnaire at https://goo.gl/forms/SlsYVBuIr1Au2ocH3 by February, 15. There is also a message with the link in your inboxes.


Below you will find a link to slides with the vision questionnaire results https://drive.google.com/open?id=1QAxHw65KSc4SAkWCQRgkWwOxG8rVuJjC.

Thank you all for participation and reflections, I am looking forward to discussing these and more in Aarhus next week.