Minutes of the GeoNetBake Working Table
In attendance: Aarhus, Bax&Company, Bradford, Ghent, Hamburg
Henning invited Ms Korn from the GeoNetBake project team to give a short presentation and status update of the latest implementations into the GeoNetBake software.
(The presentation will be made available soon!)
Thereby latest updates are explained e.g. showing the software interface as well as the newly updated map with the polygon structure of the combined beacons. Furthermore different diagrams like sensor movement (drifting) and battery status diagrams are shown.
Q: What data does the beacons transmit?
A: The beacons only transmit its position/location. The beacons themselves don’t calculate the polygons. That is done in the software.
Q: Are the sensor integrated into the beacon?
A: There are two approaches: 1. The sensor is going to be integrated directly during in the manufacturing process in the lamp located on top of the beacon. 2. For older beacons that are already in use there will be a sensor kit available to equip the older beacons.
Q: Can the data be implemented into the ROADS project/software?
A: Yes, this might be possible and is an interesting use-case. The data can be obtained via the Hamburg Urban Data Platform.
Q: Is it possible to share the polygon algorithm with SCORE partners and collaborate with SCORE project QR-Code?
A: Henning is going to get in contact with the QR-Toolkit team and will foster the idea of sharing the Qr-Toolkit <-> Polygon algorithm exchange and stay in touch with Aarhus.