A partial archive of https://score.community/ as of Monday March 04, 2024.

Information about Trafiken.nu


This topic is about Trafiken.nu. I have added documents about our experiences from the app development project, and system documentation about the app.

Trafiken nu experiences app project Oct 2018.pdf (741.3 KB)

Trafiken nu mobile applications sysdoc Oct 2018.pdf (499.5 KB)


Hi Malin,

Really great documentation! I particularly like the section on procurement and getting different providers to work together.

Is your original tender still available/sharable? Would be interesting to exchange/compare with other partners.


Hi Claus!
The winning tender is possible to share, but it is in Swedish and quite comprehensive. Depending on who is interested in it, it may be possible to understand without translation :slightly_smiling_face:

It is probably easier to talk about which parts are interesting for others, and then decide if (some of it) should be translated.


Hi everyone,
@klantto @evdoxia.kouraki @JoranVD @timvanachte @Vbyrne

As with the other groups, can you please fill in what you are working on / what your obejectives are in this working group ( as lead, co-developer or follower ) in the fact sheet format that we adopted?
It is a very short exercise, and crucial for everyone to get an overview on what SCORE groups are doing and enable coordination.

Here is the link:




I got information some weeks ago that there will be no working group for Trafiken.nu, since there are no transnational co-developers. Has this decision changed?

Best regards,


just had a talk with @Are of Bergen and there is a new spark on Mobility from them. @malinstoldt i know that @Are will contact you for more indept collab for mobility, bikes and what not. #AlwaysKeepIdeasGoing #seeyousooninAarhus