So this has popped onto my radar here: https://www.naarjobsindehaven.be/
People from Ghent are interested in a platform like it.
Traveltime is but one aspect of it, it combines a job search from our national job vacancy database with information of public transport and a survey on the mobility infrastructure of the companies involved.
From the site:
De data in deze kaart zijn afkomstig van volgende databanken:
- VDAB vacaturedatabank. (job vacanies)
- FOD Diagnostiek
- Bedrijfspercelen Haven van Antwerpen (land registry)
- DeLijn API (bus company)
- Velo fietsen API (bike sharing)
- GIPOD API (database of roadworks)
- Google Directions API
- Beschikbare informatie van vervoersaanbieders NMBS, De Lijn, Blue bike, Velo, I-bus, pendelbus en waterbus
- Bevraging over mobiliteitsaanbod bedrijven van Port of Antwerp (voorjaar 2017) (survey of the companies)
Do other cities encounter this problem? Like an industrial region, that’s a bit unknown because not many go there, and has difficulties attracting workers, and where mobility plays a part in this as well?