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Masterportal Hackathon


One of the results in our Masterportal Working Table (please find the recording here) was to have a Hackathon for those who are interested to replicate the Masterportal. Thanks Claus for the idea of the Hackathon and Tim for the spontaneous idea to replicate our solution for the sheep tracking. I am sure, that there is potential for more ideas in the SCORE project. If you have no concrete idea yet you can still join and the test data.

I created a doodle to check your availability and find a time that fits most of you. Please let us know your interest and availability until October 10th, 2020.

Nicholas and I prepared some information and requirements for you. I you need assistance please let us know.


The goal of this Hackathon is a working (simple) Masterporal on the participants Server. We will use one/two central services for all participants to avoid some pitfalls.

Content of the workshop:

  • Download from Bitbucket

  • Configuration of the Masterportal

  • Adding new services

  • Configuration of the GUI

  • Finding other tools

Technical requirements:

In the run-up to the Hackathon, please check with the system administrator whether your server fulfils all requirements. If you have any questions about the technical requirements in your city/organisation please contact nicholas.schliffke@dataport.de until 23.10.2020 .

Internet access

Web server

We recommended to use an Apache web server. Ideally, this is already configured to provide content via the https protocol, otherwise, for example, the LocationAPI will not be available and user positioning will not be possible. If the server should also work as a proxy, it must be able to access the geo-services to be included. If the PHP proxy is to be used, PHP must be activated. If a direct access of the client to the geo-services is allowed, a proxy is normally not necessary.


For the Hackathon, we will use a central service for all. If you finish early, you can start including your own services (e.g. WMS or WFS). We also recommend to check which public services in your city/country you may want to include in the future.

We also recommended to set a CORS rule (Access-Control-Allow-Origin: “*”) for your own services so that every client can access the data directly.

I hope, that we will find some interested people J


A next step would be to decide on what data to use. What kind of services does the sheep monitoring run on? And did I understand correctly that Bradford could also provide a service or two?
Would you be able to send me the URLs for these services, so I can test them in Advance?


As back up data we could use the Base Map of the World from the Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy that we could use (WMS): https://sgx.geodatenzentrum.de/wms_topplus_open
More information can be found here: https://gdz.bkg.bund.de/index.php/default/catalog/product/view/id/1056/s/wms-topplusopen-mit-layer-fur-normalausgabe-und-druck-wms-topplus-open/category/30/?___store=default

and the CORINE Land Cover 2018 (WMS):
More information can be found here: https://land.copernicus.eu/pan-european/corine-land-cover/clc2018

But it would be great to work with some of your data!


@sydsimpson and @timvanachte could you provide some test data (WMS/WFS) for the Hackathon?


Links: (Dutch)

@Justine Let’s check whether this (or an other suitable) sample dataset is available in WMS/WFS. I am not a GIS specialist myself, however Ghent operates a GeoServer (http://geoserver.org/) where several hundreds layers of data are maintained by ao. the Data & Information team that @Justine is part of.

afbeelding afbeelding


Thanks Tim. We will have a look and appreciate some OGC example data from @Justine.


We found a date for our Hackathon: November 5th 2020, 9:00am-12:00. Happy to see you there :slight_smile:


@nicole.schubbe @schlifni just to let you know that our test application server has been built and is ready to go. We will put something in calendars and see what we can achieve before the actual Materportal Hackathon :slight_smile:


Hi Everyone,

happy new year to all!

Just a short heads up that the manual/documentation for the Masterportal is now available in English: https://bitbucket.org/geowerkstatt-hamburg/masterportal/src/dev/doc/

Have any of you thought about using the Masterportal for one of your portals?