A partial archive of https://score.community/ as of Monday March 04, 2024.

Next steps/notes from speed dating in Bergen


Hi all!

I have created a new topic for us to share our potential next steps/notes from the speed dating.

For detailed information about a specific working table, I’d recommend creating a separate topic!


Hi everyone!

Here my (rough) notes for potential next steps from the Foundation for Public Code’s side.

If I have misrepresented anything, please let me know so I can edit/remove!




Potential codebase either the Foundation could help steward, or whose community could test/use material developed by the Foundation.

masterportal.org is an open source project which Hamburg started (?) and is being reused widely within Germany. Other parties have asked Hamburg to develop new features/add ons for them, and helped Hamburg finance the cost of these. Other reusers have also contributed code to the repository (?).

Until recently, other parties have not independently contibuted code/features that Hamburg were of great interest to Hamburg. However, Vienna has started reusing this, and added a feature that Hamburg also would like to use! (however there are still some standards things to solve?)

Currently everything is in German, which limits international reuse.

Most of the work is done by DataPort, a publically owned company (including development and implmentation support). There is a seperate developer and maintenance team.

Next step is to do some background research on masterportal.org


Codebase with possible high replication potential - Smartenkartenen.

Uni Van Amsterdam

Standard could be useful to help build an open community around the algorithms being developed. (Potentially for the image tagging herokuapp as well, if it gains interest to being reused).

Will review and come back with feedback, if any.


Working on Hector - an EU project on garbage truck routing. Might be open source (?), could learn from/be inspired by existing open source solutions?


Bergen is working on a mobility platform. Bergen is exploring the option of hosting it (as SaaS?) for all other regions in Norway (the national government has a national mobility hub in Bergen).

There are some interesting questions on how governance and community would work around this solution, ie what if other organizations start finding bugs, need support or want new features/development work done. Would Bergen have the reactive capacity and resources to respond to this? Foundation for Public Code’s work around community and governance could be helpful here?

University of Bradford

Standard for Public Code could be useful to make research better documented, and thus more open & collaborative, and thus more condusive for (long term) use in the public & private sector. Will review standard and provide feedback, if any.


Signalen is a citizen reporting app as well as backend to manage incoming reports, from classification, tracking in workflow, to reporting back to citizen as ‘done’. This is open source, and several municipalities in the Netherlands are interested in reusing this.

The Foundation for Public Code will start stewarding the codebase to help Amsterdam make this code more reusable, open and collaborative. The first meeting with technical team to be scheduled next week.

Ghent and Dordrecht might be interested in replicating, TBC. This solution might (?) overlap with the citizen science reporting app.

Johanneberg Science Park

Guidelines developed by JSP could be used to help the Foundation for Public Code develop our community metrics? While we are not active in physical space, the codebases are digital spaces we want to support (making them more friendly to new comers, increasing engagement and collaboration, etc)

Ghent & Digipolis

Interesting question “why should teams comply with the standard? what intrinsic motivation would they have?”. Seems like our work (and particularly the standard) lies more closely with the Service Factory than the Foresight team.


Very keen to understand the value of open source, what it could mean for Dordrecht, and which open source solutions it could reuse.


If coalition is made around an developing open source solution to analyze drone images, the Foundation could support the development process by stewarding this codebase.

Aarhus University

Identify how the MIMs and the Standard for Public Code can be complimentary in improving digital public infrastructure.


Hi there Claus!

Please see the link below with more information about the HECTOR project:


@Vbyrne and I had discussed the potential for technology and cameras to be used in waste collection vehicles in Aberdeen to help identify fly-tipping and other issues. However this is not currently something that we are developing as part of the HECTOR project. I hope that helps clarify/provides more information. @Vbyrne - do you have anything to add here in relation to how cameras could potentially be used with waste collection vehicles?




Hi there @Claus and @taddario ,

Ye the technology to route garbage trucks is being identified at ACC. The context of this I need to gain further information on. It would be beneficial to improve the sustainable service of waste collection. The idea might be to work with the Hector Project to improve routing with either waste bin sensor or cabin mounted camera. I’ll need to investigate this further.




@TomOS @phezoj @sydsimpson Hello Tom.
At the meeting in Bergen you showed us the ‘Transport’ dashboard, would it be possible for you to send us a list of the data sets that are in the dashboard so that we can try to replicate it.

Many thanks


Hello Adrian!

Sure, at the moment we have:

  • Cars and bycycles. Data from sensors in the roads.

    • The data contains information about speed and length (aggregated into intervals) on each passing. The dashboard currently shows
      number of vehicles aggregated into 3 time intervals (rush hours morning and afternoon and other hours)
  • Data on busses and light rail:

    • Data on all stops with ID, name and geolocation

    • Data on all routes/lines (not sure about the details here)

    • Data on number of passengers entering and leaving the buss/tram (on each stop, for each departure on each line)

  • Citybikes:

    • Citybike stations with names and geolocations

    • Data on each trip, with start station and end station

  • Air Quality:

    • Data on levels of NO2, PM10 and PM2,5.
  • Vehicles:

    • All registered vehicles with data on: Age, fuel type, address of owner (we currently aggregate this into zip-code). (There are
      more data in the dataset that we currently don’t use)

If you need more details, please let me know😊

Regards Tom


Adrian Walker

November 11

@sydsimpson Hello Tom.

At the meeting in Bergen you showed us the ‘Transport’ dashboard, would it be possible for you to send us a list of the data sets that are in the dashboard so that we can try to replicate it.

Many thanks

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Thank you @TomOS that will give us quite a bit to investigate :grinning::+1:


Outcome Speed dating Hamburg

Foundation for public code:
• Hamburg provides information about Masterportal
• Claus is interested to talk to Masterportal colleagues during the Hamburg Meeting in April 2020
• Checking if translation of Masterportal is possible within SCORE

Johanneberg Science Park:
• If urban data platforms are topic at the Open Data Forum, Hamburg could maybe be included
• Checking document for Living Labs

• Still has general interest in the GeoNetBake solution and likes to follow this solution

• LGV already sent information on dashboard software testing workshop
• LGV already sent information about the Urban Data Platform Hamburg and the EU Framework for Urban Data Platforms
• Bergen provides information about the workshop on Thursday about Image recognition from traffic cameras
• Bergen is interested in SensorThings API – Workshop before Hamburg Meeting?

• There is big interest by Amsterdam in the Urban Data Platform. Amsterdam provides a list of questions to Hamburg, after that a short telephone conference will be organised and a potential workshop in Hamburg will be discussed.
• 2 weekly calls about IoT Registry. Hamburg will realise it with the SensorThingsAPI. Hugo asks for a story (to publish)
• General interest in the Amsterdam solution about where biking is good or bad inside the city. Hamburg will contact the responsible authority and will contact Amsterdam afterwards.

Amsterdam Data Science
• 3D colleagues could be interested in image recognition of panorama images; examples needed to show them

• Bradford provides information about the workshop on Thursday about Image recognition from traffic cameras

• Check if Hamburg can realise a sharing map with their Digital Participation Tool (similar to smartakartan)
• Gothenburg is interested in SensorThings API – Workshop before Hamburg Meeting?

• Gent is interested in SensorThings API – Workshop before Hamburg Meeting?