So if I may:
Summary of responses
Amsterdam is building a) a suite of Open Source geo-components for visualising things on the map and b) a replacement for CKAN
Gent uses instead of CKAN & might be able to contribute to open geo-components
OASC/UoA proposes webinar to build on Synchronicity work re practical & tactical points
Gothenburg is building a city innovation platform (including geo-components) & wants to work on data visualisation
Bergen is starting to set up its open data portal
Aarhus City uses the national data portal
Opportunities to move forward
Should we set up a working group around open data portals, focusing a) data storage/management, b) geo-components, c) data visualisation, and d) compiling best practice & links for other cities looking to set up their portals? Or is there not sufficient overlap in components to have fruitful collaboration?
@Boris & @h.niesing is the data tank AMS might want to use/learn from?
@hans would the geo-components AMS is building/ be interesting for Gent?
Would AMS & Gent be interested in the data visualisation components @klantto mentioned?
@brynskov do you have anything sharable specific to open data portals?
If yes, then we can set up a working group & organise a telco as @brynskov suggested
@Are - Interreg rules = no, SCORE ambition = what Boris shared. Are the resources and checklists shared above useful? What other information do you need & who would be your colleague working on the data portal? Feel free to invite them to the conversation here!