As discussed in Aarhus I’d like to follow up on the plan to have a joint developer sprint in Amsterdam.
Hands-on work on IoT Registry and Drukte Radar + discuss how transnational collaborative development process can continue effectively afterwards
- Amsterdam: @Jaccobrouwer, @Pepijnhofstede, JanJaap
- Gent: @Jefwillems and maybe @timvanachte and @HansF
- Aarhus: @turegjorup and maybe @Mikkel
- Hamburg: @nicole.schubbe you mentioned someone from Hamburg might also be able to join?
Jacco suggested a full week, as this is the typical cycle for a development sprint in Amsterdam. Based on discussions in Aarhus the middle two weeks of July or first week of August seemed to suit most people. I think Gent had a preference to it in July in order to use the Drukte Radar during the Gentse Feesten
I’ve gone ahead and set up a doodle -
Exciting times!