Dear All,
I am in the process of talking to all SCORE partners on big and small project related issues. It’s been great to actually meet you and I hope for a good future collaboration. I’m just a few talks short and after that I hope to turn this experience into some kind of blog og newspost.
Instagram takeover is up and running,
Blog and Vlog takeover is getting started,
Facebook page is up, but not much activity yet since we still need to have some more content-relevant events/publications/posts to share and put up.
Website is up and running, we are working to create an appealing visual identity for SCORE and some nice content.
Trying to find the optimal format for a newsletter of sorts.
If you have any input, communications-wise, don’t hesitate to get in touch.
The sun is shining here in Aarhus, it’s 20 degrees - this time Summer really is around the corner!
Aarhus University team