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Webinar recording: Linked Data


Please find bellow the recording from the SCORE webinar on Linked Data by Dhaval Thakker (University of Bradford) from November 8th 2018.

Feel free to ask questions and continue the conversation bellow.


Hey @Juliette, I can’t seem to play this and I can’t seem to find the video in the Drive, could you upload it? Thanks :bowing_man:


Perhaps we could add it to our youtube channel @Juliette?

@dhaval - thanks again for an inspiring webinar!

Below a copy paste of the chat related to the IoT registry

15:33 Tim Van Achte (Digipolis Ghent) (to All):

Q: In noisy environment so can’t ask my question live. The final examples in Sparql (astronauts etc) made me think of Wolfram Alpha which also has indexed a lot of the world’s information. I was wondering if Wolfram Alpha is queryable from Linked Data as well (http://www.wolframalpha.com/)

15:39 To All:

aarhus dataset - http://iot.ee.surrey.ac.uk:8080/datasets.html

15:48 Fraiponts Hans (to All):

15:48 Tim Van Achte (Digipolis Ghent) (to All):


15:49 Ture Gjørup (to All):

Can’t compete with Gent here :-). We only have a CKAN for our standard datapublishing platform: https://portal.opendata.dk/dataset?tags=Aarhus+Kommune

15:56 Ture Gjørup (to All):

Do you see in a potential for linked data in the IoTregister challenge?

15:57 Dhavalkumar Thakker (to All):

yes Ture, if we descibe our devices annotated with metadata from SSN (Semantic Sensor Network ontology) then search/browsing/visualisation can be quite interesting (with different capabilities otherwise)

Ture Gjørup (to All):

Thank you Dhaval. Will keep that in mind when we start development

15:58 Tim Van Achte (Digipolis Ghent) (to All):

thank you Dhaval!! no it was inspiring

15:58 Willems Jef (to All):

Thank you, Dhaval!

15:59 Ture Gjørup (to All):

Very interesing.

Other links discussing during the webinar:
