A partial archive of https://score.community/ as of Monday March 04, 2024.

Workshop by WP5 on Living Labs


Hi all!

We are looking forward to the next SCORE partner meeting in Bergen on the 22 October!
As you might already have noticed in the Agenda already shared, Johanneberg Science Park will be leading a Workshop on the 23rd about Living Labs.

My plan is to shortly present to you the main parts of the Living Lab guidance report which was developed during summer. During the 2nd part I would like to get some input from each working group (working tables mentioned in the agenda) whether you are interested to test your solutions in an Urban Living Lab or not, if you believe is feasible during the coming months and what kind of guidance would you like to get from Johanneberg SP. Then, can we together with each working group develop a plan on how to test their solution in a living lab the coming months!

Please share with me any questions you might have or any suggestions on how this workshop would better help you :slight_smile:

I have noticed that there are 13 working tables in the agenda - so maybe during our workshop we could have less groups by merging the working tables which have the same leader?? Do you have any suggestion on how to split ?

All the best


Hi Eva,

I can give a short insight for ROADS and GeoNetBake together.

Have a nice Weekend


Hi all and thank you for your input during the Living Lab WS in Bergen last week!

Special thanks to groups: “IoTRegistry”, “GeoNetBake” “Crowd Flow Dashboard” and “Citizens Science as a Service”.

I suppose that after the partner meeting, most of the Working Groups have decided on next steps and dates for upcoming meetings. So, please take a look on the Living Lab Guidance and start thinking about testing your solutions in Living Labs! You can always go back and fill in with updated info the questions asked during the WS. You can find them HERE
In case you have questions just ask me :slight_smile:

Input from 4 groups during the WS below:

  1. Citizen Science as a Service (Bradford Univ.) @dhaval @sydsimpson
    Bradford University, Bradford CC and Aberdeen have already formed a community around Citizen Science as a Service for water. What they need is assistance on brading the community in a " Urban Living Lab". First step is to map all stakeholders being involved as well as their role in this community. Then they need to define the Leader- Coordinator of this LL (Most probably Bradford Univ. is most suitable to take this role) and the common goal the community/LL will have.

Some inspiration for this process can be taken from WP5 Guidance Report on LLs as well as from LLs being formed in other EU projects;

Just let me know when would you like to have a telco and discuss further on how to build you LL :slight_smile:

  1. Crowd Flow Dashboard (Ghent) @Justine @timvanachte
    Wish to develop a Digital LL where they can test their solution and get input from users (internal staff) - A dialogue is ongoing with Ghent Living Lab. My suggestion would be that activities & testing of Crowd Flow Dashboard are part of the Ghent Living Lab platform. You can use Ghent Living Lab’s network and users to further develop, test and evaluate your solution.

After you talk with Ghent LL, we can book a telco and discuss how you can be connected with them, how can make a plan & communicate that you are part of their platform and plan to co-organize activities/WS during the DevSprint Week in Ghent.

  1. GeoNetBake (Hamburg) @HD_Hamburg
    This group will use the existing TAVF testbed (LL) located in Hamburg to carry out testing with automated cars. Most probably testing & evaluation will take place the coming year. Assistance will be needed when preparing questionnaires for users durign the testing.

My suggestion is that we have a telco where you explain how you intend to use the TAVF testbed, the timeline for testing, number of users, feedback rounds etc. so we can discuss how you need to involve them from the very beginning. Send a date that fits you best.

  1. IoT Registry (Amsterdam) @h.niesing @HeinWils
    It seems that I did not get your input written on paper so please fill in this form
    We can book a meeting to discuss further when you are ready to test your solution.

My aim is to produce an ONE PAGE plan for each of these 4 solutions on how to form a LL or connect with existing LLs and test the solutions :slight_smile: So, please share with me background information about your solutions and what you want to achieve by testing them in real environments !

For the rest of Working Groups; you are more than welcome to contact me and ask for guidance on how to integrate your solutions with existing living labs or if you need to create your own.
