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Masterportal Update - Partner Meeting Sept.2020


Please find our presentation here:



In the Masterportal virtual working table today we discussed a nice plan to come together in a small hackaton where multiple cities will attempt to replicate the latest Hamburg generic geoportal codebase for their city with the help of the Hamburg team. The idea is to just bring one (simple) dataset and measure the time and efforts it takes to set up your own local instance. Maybe in the mean time work on some of the needed local translations or provide other local contributions. Maybe with a pre-workshop where we learn all about the proper data format and data services that masterportal supports. Whether it succeeds or fails for individual cities, it will be a learning experience for all involved. Also, an experience like this will help to get our other SCORE solutions in the right shape towards further sharing. Bradford, Foundation of Public Code, Bax and Ghent agreed to join the initiative. I wanted to share this as a notice for other cities & partners that want to join, especially those that could not be present at the working table.


Additional notes from the call:

  • perhaps include a kind of ‘feasibility check-list’ to see the minimal ingredients you need beforehand
  • have a preparatory session for people to start setting up their datasets/data services/servers in the right way, followed by a few weeks so everyone can get resources/decisions from others in their organization
  • have a ‘live’ hackathon day where people can work through the setup process, ask questions and share experiences
  • could consider inviting participants from outside SCORE too

This would give a hands on experience of what you can do with masterportal, and help the masterportal team understand how to best reduce friction on new users doing setup/improve setup documentation


Thank you @timvanachte and @claus for the brief and concise summary. Hamburg will be very happy to prpare and offer such a hackathon. I would like to use the good energy and will directly schedule a preparation meeting with Dataport.


For more information on the planned Hackathon, please check out: Masterportal Hackathon